SIDE A: 1. Rap On Mr. D.J.
2. Keep On Dancing
3. Truck Stop
4. Dance With Your Parno
SIDE B: 1. Have A Good Day
2. The Fat Man**
3. Red Bone**
4. South African Man
Written, arranged, directed & produced by Hamilton Bohannon Published by Hog Music, Inc. Cleared Thru (ASCAP) (P) 1974 Brunwick Record Strings & horns orchestration by Willie Shorter on "Have A Good Day", featuring Harold McKinney, Portions of the Detroit Symphony and Fischer Theatre Orchestars Album photo: Count Jackson Recording engineer: John Lewis Recording engineer: Michael Grace** Mixing engineer: John Lewis & Orson Lewis(P) 1974. Dakar DK 76910 (U.S.A.)
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